Saturday 30 March 2024

2024 Article 14

 What it does

It allows people to install heat pumps and car chargers near property lines. It's currently doable with a permit, and the Article's supporters point out that every application for these permits has been approved. This Article hopes to deliver cost and time savings by allowing such installation without a permit.

What I think

This sounds good initially. Heat pumps and car chargers are important. As the explanation highlights, we need many of them installed in the next 16 years to meet Brookline's climate goals.

Placement of outdoor units of air exchange heat pumps near property lines could negatively impact neighboring outdoor spaces, but the noise control bylaw would likely prevent that(1). Omitting them from Article 14 would sacrifice some of its beneficial effect of assisting owners in dense areas electrifying their heating.

How I'll vote and why

I support this article and will vote for it in its present state. 


1: A landscaper suggested moving our AC condenser to the property line to blow hot air and noise into a public space, and this would permit that with the outdoor unit of an air exchange heat pump. I think installations like that would still be prevented by the noise control bylaw.

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